- Oracle and JBoss use the same port by default, 8080. If you are using Oracle and JBoss on the same server, modify the http port for Oracle to something other than 8080 (i.e, 8081). Skip this step if you are running Oracle on a different server.
- JBoss needs to know where the Oracle jdbc driver classes are located. This can be done by either, copying the Oracle jdbc archive file to the server default lib folder. Search and locate the ojdbc14.jar file in the Oracle \jdbc\lib folder. Copy the ojdbc14.ja file to the JBoss \server\default\lib folder.
- Define a datasource in JBOSS to access a specific Oracle database instance. Copy the /docs/examples/jca/oracle-ds.xml file from the jboss directory to the /server/default/deploy folder in JBoss. Open a text editor (e.g., WordPad or xCode) and modify the file as follows.
- Modify the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml configuration file in the JBoss /server/default/conf folder. Add the following and sub-tags to the tag. These tags map the datasource, OracleDS, to the data mapping, Oracle9i, defined further down in this file. The data mapping tag defines how the specific Oracle database types map to the corresponding Java data types.
Login to Oracle using SQLPLUS as the SYSTEM user and enter the following script command:
Locate the online_help file in the Oracle \server folder, right click, select properties, and modify the url to:
Locate the postDBCreation file in the Oracle server\config\log folder, open it and modify the following line:
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